List of Thor Movies: 9 MCU Appearances by Chris Hemsworth

The God of Thunder, played by Chris Hemsworth, first appeared in the MCU in the 2011 film “Thor.”

Since then, he has been in many movies and crossovers, including his own series and team-up films like “The Avengers.”

To help you keep track, here’s a list of all the Thor movies and appearances in the order they happened, so you can follow his story easily.

Chris Hemsworth As Thor Appearances In The MCU

1. Thor (2011)

Marvel Studios

Chris Hemsworth first appeared as Thor Odinson in the movie “Thor” from 2011. Directed by Kenneth Branagh, the film introduces us to Natalie Portman as Jane Foster and Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Here, the God of Thunder begins the cosmic story of the MCU.

Thor, who’s like a prince from a magical place called Asgard, does something really not-so-smart and starts a fight with icy aliens.

So, he gets sent to Earth as a punishment. On Earth, he meets a scientist named Jane Foster and they become friends.

But there’s a twist: Thor loses his superpowers and has a tough time getting used to normal life. Meanwhile, his tricky brother Loki tries to become the king of Asgard.

This all leads to a big final fight between Thor and Loki, and in the end, Thor becomes a better person, gets his powers back, and learns an important lesson.

2. The Avengers (2012)

Marvel Studios

Concluding Phase 1 of the MCU, Thor from the movies returns to Earth a second time in “The Avengers” from 2012.

He joins forces with Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and the other powerful heroes of Earth. This film is directed by Joss Whedon.

Thor must face his tricky brother, who wants to conquer Earth using an alien army. In this battle, Thor goes through a lot physically and emotionally.

He learns more about the people of Earth and how to cooperate with a team.

After witnessing Tony Stark almost giving up his life to stop Loki’s army, Thor takes Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard.

He says goodbye to his new friends, knowing he’ll be away for a while.

3. Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Marvel Studios

A long time ago, a bad guy named Malekith tried to use something called the Aether to make everything go dark and destroy everything.

But the good Asgardian warriors, led by Bor, Odin’s dad, stopped him and hid the Aether. In today’s time, Malekith wakes up and wants to get back at everyone, so Thor fights him.

After Thor sees his mom, Frigga, die, he stops Malekith from using the Aether and the Convergence to make everything dark. He gets closer to Jane again and spends more time on Earth.

4. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Marvel Studios

In “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Thor joins the Avengers team for good.

He’s right there when they catch the bad guy Baron Von Strucker, just before the even worse villain Ultron shows up.

While they look for Ultron, Thor does something big by using his lightning to make Paul Bettany’s Vision.

He’s really surprised when Vision is able to lift his strong hammer.Once Ultron is beaten, Thor goes to space to study the Infinity Stones.

He had a vision that something dangerous is coming, and he wants to get ready to protect his new home.

5. Doctor Strange (2016)

Marvel Studios

“Doctor Strange” is about a man named Stephen Strange.

He’s really good at fixing brains, but he gets into a car accident and can’t use his hands anymore.

He really wants to get his hands back, so he goes to Nepal to meet the Ancient One.

This wise person teaches him magic. Strange then has to fight Kaecilius, who used to learn from the Ancient One too.

Kaecilius wants to mix the Earth with a dark place called the Dark Dimension.

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6. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Marvel Studios

In the movie “Thor: Ragnarok,” Thor learns about a prophecy called Ragnarok, which predicts the destruction of Asgard.

He meets his sister Hela, the Goddess of Death, who wants to conquer Asgard after breaking Thor’s hammer.

This leads to a conflict between them as Thor tries to prevent her from carrying out her plan and save his people.

Thor gets sent to Sakaar and needs to fight his way out. He meets his friend Hulk there. With the help of Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson, they try to return to Thor’s home and stop Hela.

Thor loses his eye and lets Surtur destroy Asgard, as predicted. He saves many of his people and becomes the new King while they search for a new home.

7. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Marvel Studios

In Avengers: Infinity War, the Avengers and their friends battle the strong and ruthless Thanos. He wants to find six powerful Infinity Stones to erase half of all life in the universe.

At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, Thor experiences most suffering in the MCU. He witnesses Thanos killing his brother Loki and annihilating half of the Asgardians.

After a rescue by the Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, with Rocket and Groot, Go on a mission to Nidavellir.

There, he forges the formidable Stormbreaker axe with the assistance of Peter Dinklage’s character, Eitri.

With his new weapon in hand, Thor joins the Battle of Wakanda.Despite his determination and even managing to wound Thanos by driving Stormbreaker into his chest, Thor’s efforts fall short.

The Mad Titan employs the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet to snap his fingers, erasing half of all life across the universe.

Tragically, Thor is unable to thwart Thanos before the catastrophic event occurs.

8. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Marvel Studios

Thor gets back after revenge from Thanos by cutting off his head, but then he becomes really sad for five years when half of the universe disappears in Avengers: Endgame.

This movie could have concluded the MCU if the creators chose that path. Avengers: Endgame showed the main team doing a Time Heist to undo the Snap.

Thor felt down for five years and thought the Time Heist could make things right for him.

Even though Thor and his friends managed to prevent a different Thanos from wiping out all life, he had to endure the deaths of Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark.

Thor chose to step down as King of Asgard and went into space with the Guardians of the Galaxy to discover his real calling.

9. Thor: Love And Thunder (2022)

Marvel Studios

In the movie “Thor: Love and Thunder,” Thor comes back to New Asgard on Earth after his adventures with the Guardians.

He finds out that someone named Gorr the God Butcher is killing gods everywhere. Thor meets up with his friend Jane Foster, who becomes able to use Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir.

They, along with their team, try to stop Gorr and save the day by getting a powerful lightning bolt from Zeus after beating up some other powerful gods.

While they’re doing all this, Thor learns that Jane had a really serious illness called Stage 4 cancer. This makes their mission even more emotional.

Eventually, Thor and his team manage to defeat Gorr and even bring back his daughter, Love, to life.

But the sad part is that Jane doesn’t make it, and Thor has to cope with her passing. He also becomes a father, starting a new chapter in his life.

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